Friday, August 8, 2014

What to expect from Laser Hair Removal Treatment.

The popularity of laser hair removal in South Jersey cannot be denied! At the Luxuria Medical Spa of EHT, we have been busy performing laser hair removal treatment for a variety of different areas of the body, skin colors/tones, and sizes of the areas that we are working on.  Many people who have tried our services have been very satisfied with the results.  For those who are considering getting the procedures done, here are a few tips about what to expect and to help you get the most out of your laser hair removal treatment.

Here is what you might expect in the hours, days and weeks following your laser hair removal:
  • Pinkness, redness or itchiness. If you are feeling this, then the laser has done its job in disabling your hair follicles. It has also likely irritated your skin a little bit. Residual itchiness or pinkness might persist for up to 24 hours. Some people describe the sensation as feeling like razor burn. If it lasts longer than that, give us a call; this very well may be normal, but it’s worth calling to ask.
  • Shedding. One to three weeks after your initial treatment, you may notice less hair growth and maintenance. During this process the follicles shed the hairs that were in the growing phase of their cycle, which is the anogen phase. The shedding process will look like blackheads or stubble that is pushing its way out of the follicle.  Exfoliating is most important during this process so the hairs can shed easier. 
  • Some regrowth. Remember that the laser only disables the follicles of the hair that was in its growing phase when you were in the office that day. The follicles that were resting will be beginning to "wake up” over the course of the next few weeks, and they will still be growing hair.
In order to make your hair removal most effective, here are some things that you can do to help the process along:

  • Exfoliate. Three times per week, use an exfoliating scrub or a washcloth in the shower on the area where you had hair removed. The reason for this is to allow the shedding process to happen unhindered by dead skin cells and other debris. You don’t want to irritate your skin, so be gentle!
  • Cut or shave regrowing hair. Don’t tweeze, pluck or wax new growth! Remember that your next appointment will be in four to eight weeks, and you will need to leave the hairs in their shafts in order for the laser to work on them. You can cut, trim or shave hair as necessary. You can also use a chemical depilatory, such as Nair, in between appointments, but not within two days of your next treatment.
  • Continue to use sunscreen. You want your skin to be as light as possible during your treatments, so don’t go tanning or forget sunscreen. Also, a sunburn will irritate your skin in addition to the irritation caused by the laser, so be careful. Use SPF 30 sunscreen for two weeks before and after each treatment.
  • Keep track of any medications taken. If you need to go on prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal medication, talk to your healthcare provider about your laser hair removal treatments. Also, call your laser hair removal specialist to find out whether there is a contraindication. Your next appointment can always be rescheduled if necessary.

  • Remember to talk to call us at 1 (609) 241-8723 about any questions or concerns that you may have. If something doesn’t feel right after treatment, then don’t hesitate to call and ask.

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