Thursday, November 20, 2014

Laser Removal of Sun Spots in New Jersey Egg Harbor Township, NJ

Phototherapy I BBL™ – BroadBand Light

Treatment of sun damage, age spots, and redness

What is BBL Broadband Light?

BBL is an innovative technology that sets new standards for skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles, and sun damage. BBL energy allows the physician to precisely treat age and sun spots, small facial veins, and many other skin conditions. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin type and your desired results. Any area of your body can be treated. The most common areas are those most exposed to the damaging effects of sunlight. The most popular treatments are on the face, neck, back of the hands, chest and shoulders.

The following conditions can be treated with BBL:

• Pigmented Lesions (e.g., freckles, age spots)
• Vascular Lesions (e.g., small blood vessels)
• Acne
• Skin Firmness
• Uneven Skin Texture
• Unwanted Hair

How it works

The light energy delivered by the BBL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate new collagen foundation, leading to increased skin firmness. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, blending its natural colors and making it smoother, vibrant and younger looking. In addition, the photothermal energy will eliminate fine vessels that cause redness and reduce unwanted melanin that produces pigmented lesions.

During treatment

Your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses. You may briefly feel a warm or “rubber band snap” sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of procedure performed. The physician will discuss all of your options with you.
The procedure is gentle, noninvasive, and safe. Generally, there is no need for a topical anesthetic, however, the physician may choose to use it on more sensitive areas.
The number of treatments needed will vary from patient to patient and the physician will personalize a treatment plan based on the level of improvement you desire. The physician may also combine your treatment with other popular aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment.

After treatment

You may experience some redness that should resolve within a few hours. For some pigmented lesions, you will see a darkening of the treated areas followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage. Your treated skin will feel smoother, fine lines and pores will be less noticeable, and sunspots or uneven pigmentation will fade. Results depend on your condition, the number of treatments, and the area treated. The physician will provide you with complete information about the post-treatment care and results.
It is important to follow the physician’s aftercare instructions. You may be given some skin care products and instructions on how to use them. You will be sensitive to ultraviolet light and you must avoid direct sun exposure until completely healed. Fully cover your skin or use a good sunscreen whenever you go outdoors.
This is a noninvasive and gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. In most cases, you are immediately able to return to work, apply makeup, and resume most activities.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Medical Spa South Jersey Menu

Botox Injections in Egg Harbor Township, NJ South Jersey


What is BOTOX® ?

BOTOX® is commonly used to eliminate forehead lines, worry lines, crow’s feet and vertical lines between eyebrows.

BOTOX® is the trade name of Botulinum Toxin Type A, a purified toxin produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. It acts by blocking the nerve impulses to muscles. By using extremely small doses of BOTOX®, injected directly into a specific muscle, only the action of that muscle will be paralyzed. Therefore, the problem that muscle causes, like a frown line, or in other cases, a twitch or spasm, will be stopped.

Where is BOTOX® injected?
The frown line between the eyebrows is caused by the action of a muscle called the corrugator. You can feel this as a thickening just below the inside of your eyebrows, when you purposefully make yourself frown.

Can BOTOX® be used for other wrinkles or other problems?
BOTOX® is also effective in the treatment of crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles. BOTOX® is also used for excess sweating (underarms, palms), migraines, tremors and other conditions

How long will the effects of BOTOX® last?
The actual treatment takes only a few minutes and the BOTOX® takes effect in three to four days. Gradually, over three to five months, the BOTOX® effect will fade, and the muscle action will return. When the frown line starts to reappear, a simple repeat treatment is all that is necessary to maintain the desired result.

How has BOTOX® been tested?
BOTOX® has been used since 1980 for the treatment of strabismus (lazy eye) and blepharospasm (uncontrolled eye blinking). The use of BOTOX® for forehead wrinkles was pioneered in 1989 by Dr. Jean Carruthers of Vancouver

What are the side effects?
There have been no permanent side effects from the use of BOTOX®. The temporary side effects of BOTOX® are related to the local injection of the solution. There will be some discomfort from the needle entering the skin. Your medical practitioner may apply a local anesthetic to alleviate discomfort. There is also a small chance of a temporary bruise at the site of the injection. You will need to remain upright for a few hours following the procedure. Approximately 1% of patients will develop a slight lowering or drooping of one eyelid (also known as ptosis). This is temporary. Some patients report headaches on the first day.

What is Dysport® ?
Dysport is a medically derived subunit of botulinum toxin called abobotuliunum toxin. This acts to weaken the muscles in the areas which it is placed. The precise placement of Dysport into specific areas of the face will improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How does Dysport work?
Dysport works by weakening the muscles of facial expression that insert onto the surface of the skin. Weakening the pull of these muscles, will decrease the tension that they place on the skin, allowing the wrinkles to flatten out. Over time, cumulative benefits are observed as a skin is allowed to remodel without the negative influence of the wrinkle-creating facial muscles.

What areas are commonly treated with Dysport?
Dysport is very effective in treating dynamic facial wrinkles. The areas most commonly treated by dysport include the crow’s feet (lines around the eyes), worry lines between the eyebrows (vertical glabellar rhytids), and the lines across the forehead (horizontal rhytids).

How long does it take for Dysport to work?
The effects of Dysport are often seen as soon as the next day. In approximately 7 days maximal benefit will be achieved.

How long do the results of Dysport last?
Dysport lasts anywhere from 3-6 months.

If I’ve had Botox injections before can I switch to Dysport?
Yes. Since Dysport acts in a very similar fashion to Botox on a physiologic level, these products are interchangeable. Since the dosing is different, it is important to find a cosmetic specialist that is experienced in both products and understands the conversion.

Botox stopped working on me, will Dysport help?
Yes. Dysport is often used to treat patients who have stopped responding to Botox. It can be very effective and beneficial in these cases.

Will Dysport make me Lose all facial expression?
Absolutely Not! Properly planned, performed and executed Dysport treatment can improve the appearance of your wrinkles and maintain a natural appearance.

How long does the Dysport injection take?
The procedure takes between five to 15 minutes to perform. You may return to your normal activities immediately. We ask that you avoid any rubbing of your face.

Does Dysport hurt?
Patients are often apprehensive about the prospect of pain with injection. Our advanced special techniques minimize or eliminate the pain of the injection. In fact, most patients are often surprised at how little they felt.

What is the difference between Botox and Dysport?
Since both Dysport and Botox treat dynamic wrinkles through relaxation of the muscle that caused the wrinkle their results are very similar. However, there are potential benefits to both products. Experienced with both Botox and Dysport, our staff will help you select which product will be best for you.

How long until I see the effects of the Dysport treatment?
The effects of Dysport are seen as early as a day or two after your procedure. This is a benefit of Dysport over Botox, which takes several more days to take effect. Final treatment results will be seen at around 7-10 days from the procedure.

Can Dysport lift my eyebrows?
Yes. Dysport, strategically placed, will achieve brow elevation and the appearance of a Brow Lift.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Understanding Botox Injections Doctor Tsyganov Egg Harbor Township New Jersey 08234
Botox injections have been found to help in many areas such as reducing migraines and sweating, to cosmetically enhancing deep-set wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. This toxin works by relaxing, or temporarily paralyzing, the muscle. Relaxing the muscle allows the wrinkle to release for a more youthful, natural look. Read more about specific areas that Botox injections may help give you younger looking skin.

Typical Face Injections

 Laugh Lines

Laugh lines can be found around the mouth. Usually a result of smiling and frowning, laugh lines may also deepen due to cigarette smoking. Botox injections will fill the lines for a more natural appearance without smiling or frowning.

 Crow’s Feet

Nothing gives away age more than the lines found around the eyes. These lines fan out from the outer corners of the eye. This eye area is the most delicate area on the face. Most commonly due to age, crow’s feet could also be a result of tugging or pulling too hard at this area of skin. Botox injections release the constricted muscles for a younger looking eye area.

 Forehead Lines and Furrows

Forehead furrows refer to the horizontal lines made from raising your eyebrows. Forehead lines refer to the wrinkle between the eyebrows at the top of the nose. These lines become more prominent with age, as the muscle loses its elasticity, and begins to fall. Botox injections to plump the sagging skin and fill permanent lines.

Important Risks

Like all cosmetic procedures there are risks involved with Botox injections. Over the years patients have sought out MedSpa’s to save money but your doctor should administer the Botox injections. If the injections are not done properly, the Botox can spread into other tissues causing drooping, sagging or crooked results. More commonly risks include soreness, bruising or swelling. Injections are a temporary fix to the skin. Patients typically need injections every 3-4 months, however all patients’ vary.
Don’t risk these unnecessary outcomes; schedule a consultation with Dr. Igor Tsyganov to talk more about the procedure and if injections are the right choice for you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

non surgical liposuction in new jersey

f you’ve committed to undergoing laser lipo treatments then you’ve likely read the recommended protocol that we publish for Zerona Laser and Lapex Laser patients.  While the protocol is optional, testing has demonstrated that those following the protocol have the best results.
Why a Low Fat Diet?Eat low fat foods for best zerona results
One key recommendation is that you follow a low-fat diet.  In recent years there has been a fair amount of debate over which is better for weight loss – low fat, low carb or low glycemic. A high fat/low carb diet is designed to help your cells release fat into your bloodstream.  However when you are undergoing lipolaser treatments, the laser is doing just that so adding excess dietary fat is going to slow your progress.  Since there’s a limit to how much fat your body can use as energy or process through your liver to be excreted, you don’t want to add too much dietary fat to your body while undergoing treatment.
Just keep in mind that the goal you are aiming for with Zerona treatments is to maximize fat loss. While you may also lose weight from your treatments, laser lipo’s goal is to remove only body fat.  When you diet for weight loss, you will almost certainly lose water, muscle and fat (in that order).  Since your aiming to lose primarily fat and not water or muscle, a low fat diet is the better choice for this purpose.  You can choose to eat a low fat diet that is also low glycemic and low carb.
Your Cells Will Release Body Fat into Your Blood Stream
Zerona and Lapex Laser treatments will release fat from your cells into your blood stream.   A low fat diet will best allow your body to convert the newly release fat into energy and purge your system of the excess.
How Do I Plan My Diet?
Fortunately the Internet is full of great tools and recipes that will allow you to create a diet that keeps your body and taste buds happy.   The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet was created to help people with high levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and these guidelines can work well here.  Here’s a link to a sample menu for the TLC diet.
One of the best dietary tool sets on the web is also free –  This site offers recipes, support, meal planning tools, nutrition and exercise tracking tools and nutritional information for almost anything you can eat plus a free mobile ap.   You can keep it simple with their Mix & Match Diet Tool (log in required) that will quickly let you make food choices while viewing the nutritional impact each choice makes.
In summary, a low fat diet is your best choice to improve your laser lipo results and free web tools can make it easy to design a meal plan you’ll enjoy.
heck us out on

Friday, August 8, 2014

What to expect from Laser Hair Removal Treatment.

The popularity of laser hair removal in South Jersey cannot be denied! At the Luxuria Medical Spa of EHT, we have been busy performing laser hair removal treatment for a variety of different areas of the body, skin colors/tones, and sizes of the areas that we are working on.  Many people who have tried our services have been very satisfied with the results.  For those who are considering getting the procedures done, here are a few tips about what to expect and to help you get the most out of your laser hair removal treatment.

Here is what you might expect in the hours, days and weeks following your laser hair removal:
  • Pinkness, redness or itchiness. If you are feeling this, then the laser has done its job in disabling your hair follicles. It has also likely irritated your skin a little bit. Residual itchiness or pinkness might persist for up to 24 hours. Some people describe the sensation as feeling like razor burn. If it lasts longer than that, give us a call; this very well may be normal, but it’s worth calling to ask.
  • Shedding. One to three weeks after your initial treatment, you may notice less hair growth and maintenance. During this process the follicles shed the hairs that were in the growing phase of their cycle, which is the anogen phase. The shedding process will look like blackheads or stubble that is pushing its way out of the follicle.  Exfoliating is most important during this process so the hairs can shed easier. 
  • Some regrowth. Remember that the laser only disables the follicles of the hair that was in its growing phase when you were in the office that day. The follicles that were resting will be beginning to "wake up” over the course of the next few weeks, and they will still be growing hair.
In order to make your hair removal most effective, here are some things that you can do to help the process along:

  • Exfoliate. Three times per week, use an exfoliating scrub or a washcloth in the shower on the area where you had hair removed. The reason for this is to allow the shedding process to happen unhindered by dead skin cells and other debris. You don’t want to irritate your skin, so be gentle!
  • Cut or shave regrowing hair. Don’t tweeze, pluck or wax new growth! Remember that your next appointment will be in four to eight weeks, and you will need to leave the hairs in their shafts in order for the laser to work on them. You can cut, trim or shave hair as necessary. You can also use a chemical depilatory, such as Nair, in between appointments, but not within two days of your next treatment.
  • Continue to use sunscreen. You want your skin to be as light as possible during your treatments, so don’t go tanning or forget sunscreen. Also, a sunburn will irritate your skin in addition to the irritation caused by the laser, so be careful. Use SPF 30 sunscreen for two weeks before and after each treatment.
  • Keep track of any medications taken. If you need to go on prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal medication, talk to your healthcare provider about your laser hair removal treatments. Also, call your laser hair removal specialist to find out whether there is a contraindication. Your next appointment can always be rescheduled if necessary.

  • Remember to talk to call us at 1 (609) 241-8723 about any questions or concerns that you may have. If something doesn’t feel right after treatment, then don’t hesitate to call and ask.

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laser acne removal treatment EHT NJ 08234

AcneOmnilux Therapy

Acne is one of the world’s most common skin conditions, affecting over 85% of adolescents by the age of 24 years and up to 50% of adults over 25 years of age. Acne is a widespread and upsetting condition. It can produce lifelong physical and emotional scarring.

Acne vulgaris
Acne is NOT caused by bad diet or greasy foods. In fact, acne develops when the sebaceous glands in a person’s skin produces excess oil? (sebum). This oil combines with cells that line the gland walls and clogs the skin’s pores. Normal skin bacteria colonise these pores and the body’s response causes the inflammation or reddening of the skin that we associate with acne.

How does OmniluxTM light therapy work?
One of the key bacteria responsible for the inflammation isPropionibacterium acnes or P.acnes. These bacteria produce natural chemicals called poryphyrins, which are sensitive to light at different wavelengths. If stimulated, these chemicals will neutralise the bacteria and with no bacteria present inflammation will subside.

OmniluxblueTM stimulates these chemicals and so eradicates the bacteria that cause the redness or inflammation of acne. This is combined with OmniluxreviveTM which has anti inflammatory properties, this helps to minimize the redness of acne lesions and promotes healthier skin.

Omnilux treatments are totally non-invasive and generate no heat. The treatment does not damage normal tissue and works with the body’s own natural processes to rejuvenate the skin.

How Omnilux Works

Why choose Omnilux combination light therapy for acne?

Omnilux is an essential tool as part of an acne management programme. OmniluxTM delivers pure light optimised to deliver the correct wavelength and dose for maximum activation of the target cells.

Combination phototherapy works through the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of OmniluxblueTM and OmniluxreviveTMdelivered alternately. Only by delivering the right wavelength in sequence can optimum results be seen.

Activation of coproporphyrin III creates intracellular singlet oxygen – inducing complete bacterial death.

This reduces the bacterial colonisation of the sebaceous gland, returning the gland’s abnormally high level of sebum to normal and reducing the production of proinflammatory cytokines.

Simultaneously, OmniluxblueTM induces anti-inflammatory cytokines, stimulating specific immunoregulatory pathways.

The intracellular specificity of red light therapy (OmniluxreviveTM) is well documented and it has long been demonstrated that 633nm offers excellent reduction in inflammatory lesions and is proven to stimulate cellular mechanisms for tissue repair.

Clinical Efficacy

OmniluxblueTM for acne

In a recent study of 30 subjects, (skin types I-IV, all with mild to moderate acne vulgaris) every subject had a significantly successful treatment response. There was an optimum reduction in inflammatory lesions of 73% 4 to 8 weeks post treatment.

Before and after OmniluxTM therapy showing a 89% reduction in inflamed lesions, 12 weeks from the end of treatment.

OmniluxTM combination light therapy for acne
In a recent study 16 subjects (skin types I-IV, all with mild to moderate acne vulgaris or moderately severe cystic acne) were treated with alternate OmniluxblueTM and OmniluxreviveTM light therapy.

A mean clearance rate of over 82% was seen 12 weeks after the final treatment.

Before and after OmniluxTM combination therapy showing excellent reduction in inflamed and nodular lesions, 12 weeks from the end of treatment.

Treatment Protocol

  • Either 8 alternate OmniluxblueTM and OmniluxreviveTM or 8 OmniluxblueTM treatments over four weeks.
  • Allow At least 48 hours rest time between treatments.
  • Combination light therapy consists of alternate OmniluxblueTMandOmniluxreviveTM treatments
  • Never use blue and revive together as this reduces the treatment efficacy
  • Can be used with anti-comedonal treatments


What is OmniluxTM light therapy for acne?
OmniluxblueTM is a light source that is specially tuned to activate natural chemicals found in the bacteria that cause skin redness in acne. When stimulated,these chemicals destroy the bacteria. OmniluxreviveTM is used in combination with OmniluxblueTM. OmniluxreviveTM stimulates cells in your body that help with the healing process and reduce the inflammation surrounding the acne lesions.

How safe is the treatment?
OmniluxblueTM and OmniluxreviveTM are safe and harmless to your skin and generate no heat. The light works naturally with your body to promote the healing response. The only safety measure is to wear goggles to protect your eyes from the light.

What results can be expected from a series of treatments?
Optimum results will be seen between 4-8 weeks after treatment. The light stimulates natural processes that continue after the treatment has stopped. Whilst studies have shown complete clearance of lesions, on average you should expect 70% of lesions to clear when using blue light alone and over 80% when using blue and red light together. We suggest that the treatment is used in conjunction with a preparation such as salicylic acid. Your advisor can discuss this combination treatment with you.

Before and after OmniluxTM therapy showing a 73% clearance 8 weeks after the last treatment

Are there any side effects from the treatments?
No. There have been no reported adverse side effects like redness or irritation from the treatment, and the light does not damage skin in any way.

Is it painful?
Not at all because there’s no heat involved, there’s no pain!

What actually happens during the treatment?
You will have to remove any makeup or sunblock before the treatment and you will also be asked to wear safety goggles. The light will then be positioned close to your face and you will be treated for 20 minutes. After that you’re free to go home.

OmniluxblueTM in action

The treatment course is usually 8 light treatments. Dependent upon your type of acne, you may be advised to use a face wash and a gel containing salicylic acid. These are both available from the OmniluxTMrange of products and will help with the treatment.

OmniluxTM light therapy is the clear choice for acne

  • Because there is no heat involved, there’s no pain!
  • Eradicates the bacterium that causes acne through natural processes, so it won’t harm your skin
  • Promotes your body’s natural healing response so the treatment continues long after the light has been switched off
  • Highly effective, no side effects, no irritation
  • Quick and simple

This treatment is now available at the Luxuria Medical Spa in Egg Harbor Township, NJ. Please call us today for a free consultation 609-241-8723

Body Contouring Non Invasive Liposuction Fat Removal EHT NJ

If you diet, exercise and take good care of your body but still have isolated areas of localized fat that resist your best efforts, we have some good news. Exilis ELITE is a new radio-frequency technology that reduces isolated areas of fat while tightening the skin, and now it is available at the Luxuria Medical Spa of Egg Harbor Township, NJ. Using radio frequency energy, this device offers twice the power and effectiveness of the original Exilis device that is sometimes used at media-spas or salons. With the new Exilis ELITE, you can achieve better results in half the number of treatments with a new advanced safety control. In essence, better results at half the cost! While not a replacement for surgery, for those seeking a non-surgical solution to small areas of fat on the face, neck, body, legs, arms, back and knees or those who wish to improve skin tone and quality, Exilis ELITE is a great alternative. Please visit the Exilis ELITE homepage

Exilis ELITE may also be used as a post-procedural adjunct to surgery to help improve and maintain results. Exilis ELITE is a second generation device that delivers twice the power and effectiveness of the original Exilis device that is sometimes used in spas or salons. Dr. Igor Tsyganov is the first Physician in Southern New Jersey to offer the new EXILIS ELITE non-invasive liposuction.

What is Exilis ELITE?
Exilis ELITE is an exciting new technology that uses radio frequency (RF) energy for body contouring and skin tightening. It is a non-surgical procedure that reduces fat and firms skin in the face and body.

How does Exilis ELITE work?
During an Exilis ELITE treatment, precisely controlled radio frequency energy is used to heat the deeper layers of the skin. This heat causes fat cells to shrink and contracts the skin tissue, stimulating new collagen production in the process.

Who is a good candidate for Exilis ELITE treatment?
Exilis ELITE is recommended for any patient between the ages of 25 and 70+ who desires cosmetic improvement, particularly those areas that show the signs of aging, unhealthy life style and have not responded to other treatment options. Exilis ELITE treatment offers cosmetic improvement without surgery.

What does an Exilis ELITE treatment feel like?
As the Exilis ELITE device is guided over the area to be treated, you will feel a deep heating sensation. Exilis ELITE radio frequency energy is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin. The underside of the applicator provides cooling to the skin’s surface, keeping you more comfortable during the treatment.

How long is an Exilis ELITE treatment?
The Exilis ELITE platform was designed to deliver energy in a short treatment of under an hour for greater patient convenience and comfort. Generally, a series of two or three treatments will be required to achieve the desired result. The number of treatments will depend on your existing cosmetic concerns and the goals you want to achieve.

Is there any downtime?
There is no downtime with this procedure. There may be temporary pinkness or redness in the skin for about 20-30 minutes that quickly subsides. Since there is no downtime or special care required once you leave the office, you can carry on with the rest of your day’s activities immediately following treatment.

Is Exilis ELITE safe?
Yes, Exilis ELITE is an FDA cleared device for skin tightening. There are controls built in to the device to ensure that it does not overheat the skin.

What kind of results can I expect with Exilis ELITE?
You may start to see some body contouring and skin tightening results after just 1 to 2 Exilis ELITE treatments, but in most cases, your optimal result will be achieved after the third or fourth treatment. Treatments will be spaced out over 1 to 2 week intervals.

What areas of the body can be treated with Exilis ELITE?
Due to the unique design of Exilis ELITE the neck, face, body, arms and legs, back fat and knees are all treated successfully.

How long do results last?
Exilis ELITE is a relatively new device, but current studies show that those who have had treatment over 2 years ago have maintained their results. Typically, once fat cells have been destroyed, they do not come back.

What else should I know about an Exilis ELITE treatment?
It is important that you are very well hydrated before, during and after your Exilis ELITE treatment to achieve maximum results. It is also recommended that you partake is some sort of light exercise, such as walking, for 30-40 minutes following body treatments in order to maximize results.

How do I know if Exilis ELITE is right for me?
You may schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Tsyganov at the Luxuria Medical Spa in Egg Harbor Township to determine which of our body contouring or skin tightening procedures may help you achieve your goals. For more information about Exilis Elite, please call our office at 609-241-8723 for a free consultation.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Laser Stretch Marks Removal Treatment EHT NJ

Stretch Marks/Striae Distensae

What are stretch marks?

Normal skin is 80% collagen and 4% elastin fiber network.  Elastin is the protein in the skin that gives it flexibility and allows it to stretch and recoil back to its original position.

Stretch marks, otherwise known as striae distensae, are a form of discolored scar found in the skin, in which the elastin fibers have been irreversibly damaged.  Since our skin cannot repair elastin fibers, stretch marks do not heal.

Depending on one’s skin type and the age of the scar they can appear brown, white, or red. Stretch marks often begin red, then turn brown and subsequently lose most of their color altogether. 

Common areas for developing stretch marks are the abdomen, the breasts, inner upper arms, thighs, hips and buttocks. They pose no health threat but are cosmetically unappealing. Between 75% and 90% of women develop stretch marks to some degree during pregnancy.

What causes stretch marks?

The cause of stretch marks is unknown.  Previously it was thought that rapid stretching of the skin led to the rupture of the connective tissue (collagen-elastin) framework and formation of an atrophic scar.

Recently scientists have discovered that stretch mark formation is associated with hormonal influences in the body.  Therefore people get stretch marks at times of increased hormones, such as adolescence, pregnancy, weight gain, etc, which cause a change in metabolism in their skin. 

Stretch marks are also seen as a side effect of using topical steroid medications or taking oral steroids, such as prednisone.  That is because the structure of steroid medications resembles hormones. 

Stretch marks are also seen in some systemic diseases like Cushing’s disease, an internal cause of increased steroid hormones.

Who gets stretch marks?

Stretch marks develop during times of hormonal changes in our skin.  70% adolescent women and 40% adolescent men have stretch marks.  Almost all pregnant women will develop them as well.
  • Pregnancy
  • Puberty
  • Weight gain
  • Intense muscle building exercises
  • Use of topical or oral steroid medications
  • Certain systemic diseases

What do stretch marks look like?

Stretch marks appear as parallel streaks of red, thinned, glossy skin that over time become whitish and scarlike in appearance. The stretch marks may be slightly depressed and have a different texture than normal skin.

Treatments for stretch marks at Luxuria Medical Spa & Laser Center

  • Topical retinoids: tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene
  • Fractional Laser Resurfacing
  • Excimer Laser
  • SkinTyte Broad Band Ligh